
Eric spent a decade of post-secondary study in sciences, focusing on Genetics and Biotechnology.  His studies culminated in an international patent in recombinant protein expression.  

During those same years, Eric managed a restaurant, a patio hot spot, and the local Campus bar.   Research, teaching, music, la dolce vita:  was there a way to mix his love of science with his love of social interaction?

Eric exchanged his lab coat for a suit and tie and headed off to do an MBA. As President of the Student Association and part of an international case competition team, Eric developed new skills in strategy, communication and marketing.  

At Hewlett Packard Enterprise, in increasingly responsible positions in hardware, Eric developed his personal approach to sales:  Helping people find solutions.

While working at HPE, Eric taught Strategy part-time in the graduate program at Laurier. Science, people, strategy, sales – the culmination of his journey brought him to Real Estate, where Eric focuses on helping medical professionals find their solutions, meet their futures, leave their legacies.